My Gardens
When we moved into our home in Langley, BC almost 23 years ago now there were no gardens. Although we were on almost 5 acres of land with pastures, streams, trees and lawns, the previous owners, both working and with a large family, had had no time for gardening. The only original plant I recall was a small lilac bush at the side of the house. There were lots of overgrown bushes hiding the old out-buildings and I do remember the lawns were well taken care of (something I've not been so diligent about), but not much of anything more.
The property cried out for gardens - flowers, flowers, flowers - but, other than attempting some vegetable gardening many, many years ago, I had absolutely no experience in growing anything other than a few hardy annuals. Perennials were a mystery to me.
After many trips to the bookstores and gardening shops and a winter's worth of reading and planning I was ready to begin . . . . my poor husband. It was he who had to do all the digging and building. See below what hard work, time, lots of mistakes and patience can result in . . . . .
This is also part of my "back" yard, a joy to wake up to each day . . .
In spring the biggest wisteria vine you'll probably every see . . .